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Digital Transformations Shaking Up Traditional Retail Journey

COVID-19 is rapidly accelerating digital transformations of the traditional retail experience. As we head into this “New Business Normal,” shopping will never again be the same.


This “new normal” begins with parking—one of the most mundane and frustrating parts of the retail process. KOGI's smart parking app allows users to locate and reserve parking via their mobile devices. After a spot is successfully reserved, GPS tracking directs the user to the correct space. Once the driver has arrived at their destination, the parking space “iLock” is deactivated and the user can park. 


Upon entering the retail area, shoppers are greeted with interactive informatics that delivers targeted messaging straight to their mobile devices to create fun and rewarding customer experiences. From virtual product engagement and digital restaurant menus to AR navigation, KOGI’s solutions leverage the power of extended reality (XR) to minimize human-to-human contact while engaging users and fostering brand loyalty.


When the user is ready to depart, he or she can seamlessly pay and checkout over mobileagain minimizing human-to-human contact. The iLock space reverts to an upright position to ensure future reservations can be made over the app. 


As the world adjusts to the COVID-19 pandemic, KOGI will continue offering AI and IoT design solutions that meet the needs of retailers everywhere. Please click here and here to learn more or email us at inquiry@kogiconsulting.com to get in touch today!